By Wingman527 - 15/09/2014 21:39 - United States - Salida

Today, I was checking out of a hotel when I saw some complementary mints. They weren't mints. They were glass beads. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 503
You deserved it 11 772

Wingman527 tells us more.

You can actually, it's called school.

Top comments

Indianboy9321 25

You should have known they weren't MINT to be eaten.

Octwo 16

Schools can fix ignorance, not stupid.


How does a school not fix stupid? Don't you learn at schools anymore? And I did actually attend school FYI bitch

You're kind of an ass, OP. And some people are just stupid. Stupidity, noun: lacking intelligence or common sense. School can't make you more intelligent. It can give you knowledge but knowledge ≠ intelligence. And you can't be taught common sense. Now, ignorance, noun: lack of knowledge or information. School can most certainly give you knowledge and information. Therefore, ignorance ≠ stupidity. You seem to be both ignorant and stupid, which is never a good combination.

Anyone else get really disappointed when it says there's followup and there really isn't?

If you submit something OP, you're going to get some harsh and sometimes entertaining commentary. I'm not sure how the two looked that similar, but take it in stride now that it's up

At least they weren't those little scented beads.

I once almost ate mothballs thinking they were mints, so... these things happen! FYL, OP.