By ehrmagahd - 19/12/2012 05:17 - United States - Decatur

Today, I was at my job as a cashier when a man called me his "Grocery Slave." I was almost offended, but then I thought about my salary. I am a Grocery Slave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 634
You deserved it 3 853

ehrmagahd tells us more.

ehrmagahd 15

Yeah, I live in a town with 4 colleges in it and nearby, so it's very difficult to find a job. I've applied literally EVERYWHERE that I could even remotely be considered for, and this was the only option I had, so I took it, and I'm very grateful for it! Even if people tend to act like idiots towards me

Top comments

I worked in retail for years. Retail employees ARE slaves and subject to the whims of others, unfortunately.

hockeychicl003 6


Please people stop throwing the word slavery around like that...

...we should stop referring to things like bagging groceries as slavery.