By tstaeger - 24/07/2010 05:20 - United States

Today, I tried drinking "Smart Water" for the first time. I couldn't figure out how to open the bottle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 422
You deserved it 37 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Water is water is water is water is water. No need buying fancy shit.

FMLephant 2

can you open a roll of Smarties candy or is that also too difficult?


auttie_girl 0

How the **** is this a FML? boo-*******-hoo, you couldn't open a bottle cap. Your life must be soo horrible!

the lid.... no Patrick , the lid.... tha.. lid. lololol

Tommy9537 0

Clearly Smart Water is not for you

istealhobos 0

I don't see how this is an fml. Its not like you were about to die of thirst and it was the only bottle of water left. e_e get someone to open it. Or! This may sound crazy... but learn how to TWIST A CAP. Absurd isnt it?

in Soviet Russia water smarter than YOU!

weheuw 0

at least you get the irony...