By stopstutteringforSiri - 05/01/2014 21:59 - United States

Today, I realized I'm so socially awkward that I can't even talk to Siri without stuttering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 976
You deserved it 6 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zgomon 10

Well she is rather intimidating.

Change it to the male voice to avoid further issues operating Siri.


better than stuttering infront of a real girl

At a New Years Eve party a few days ago I was catching up with someone I hadn't seen since I graduated high school. At one point he stopped and said, "I don't know if I apologized yet, but I'm sorry for my stutter." That completely broke my heart that he would think he needs to apologize. I told him, "you seriously don't need to apologize to ANYONE for that." It made me sad. But it was absolutely adorable. Stutters aren't a big deal. At least, not to me.

Stay strong. Join a small group of some sort, reading, bible, art etc to help you talk in small groups so you can become more comfortable with bigger crowds.

Me. This is actually a small factor in why I have an android. Siri freaked me out. Going back to my solitary existence now.

Maybe changing we voice will do something...

Maybe you should get out more. Baby steps OP

by any chance is your name Raj Kootharpali?

russianspy1234 11

I'm so socially awkward I can't even talk to Siri.