By Anonymous - 21/02/2014 16:32 - United States - Carbondale

Today, I ran into my favorite teacher from high school, the one that really inspired me to become one myself. I told her that I'm in my last year of college preparing to become a teacher, to which she replied, "Wow, they really are letting anyone have a crack at being a teacher these days." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 423
You deserved it 4 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chelsearenaeee 16

Maybe she should be more grateful that people want to become teachers and help our children instead of being a Bitch about it.


Well being a good teacher is about being able to inspire people as well as knowing the area u r going to teach really well. Maybe she just thought u weren't the brightest or most dedicated student so she doesn't see you as teacher material because I know there are a lot of cool teachers but they didnt teaching me shit. At least she was being honest with you.