By FMLimsomad - 29/12/2009 20:59 - United States

Today, I looked outside and I saw that my new car had been snowed on. Sadly the snow had frozen onto the car, so I spent the entire day getting it off. I came inside. By 8pm, my car had snow all over it again, and this time I left the window open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 572
You deserved it 38 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sparkIy 0

is it bad that i read "i spent the whole day getting it off", thought something dirty, & laughed?

why would you have your window open in the first place since it's cold enough to snow?


JokingJoe 0

try a cover on it. oh, and check out the video of the audi r8 driving thru snow to get reindeer antlers for his dog.

"so I spent the entire day getting it off. I came inside." ... was this on purpose?

thinmint 0

@7 I agree. alot of the things women post on here make it look as if we have ground chuck for brains. luckily some of us do not conform to the societal pressure to be thin and stupid and nothing else...

RevengeOnYou 0


rockmyworld 0

"...societal pressure to be thin and stupid and nothing else..." from a THINmint, ha ha @MrHighlight: it's been a long time since I had to spend only 15 mins cleaning off snow. Plus on a new car, I'd be trying to make it spotless. But then I'd find a tarp or something because, well, snow happens happy new year!

thinmint 0

actually I was not referring to the OP. I was talking about the poster #11. idiot

EmMaz9457 0

y would u scrape it all off and know more snow was coming? just wait until it stops snowing and pay some poor little kid $50 to do it 4 u if its that difficult!!!

terriibabiiix23 0

YDI for cleaning all the snow off your car when you KNEW more snow was coming ! don't you have a garage to park your car in ?! i recommend you get one.

not everyone can just "get a garage" retard

watchforzombies 0

No no no no no no no no! You get ALL the snow off your car. Where do all you people live? Everybody knows that if you leave the snow on your car, then it freezes there. So, if you decide once it's already frozen that you should brush the snow off, then you deserve wasting a lot of time trying to get it off. Or, if you wait for it to melt, then you'll have a chunk of solid snow on the roof of your car that will eventually slide off and hit the person behind you. Lots of people have died that way...I thought this was common knowledge.

fretforyerlatte 0

yeah how do you just "get a garage"? being as most houses and apartments are already built and either have a garage or don't.

xdrumkid101x 0

YDI. but to all the posters who are saying "get a garage," did you ever think that maybe the OP can't afford a garage after buying their new car?

It does not take all day to get snow off a car.

Yeah I live in Alaska and I'm really wondering how you can spend all day doing that....what was he using? A toothpick?

kkamp516 10

at 23 sorry but.... that's what she said

kkamp516 10

at 30... not unless your a fat-ass. lol jk