By bacon lovers worst nightmare - 26/09/2012 06:57 - United States - San Diego

Today, I heard of an inevitable world-wide bacon shortage on the news. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 103
You deserved it 5 869

Same thing different taste


"It's projected that in 2013 only 23 billion pounds will be available, down one percent from 2012." "Per capita consumption of pork products in 2013 are expected to decline by 1.23 percent." You people are SERIOUSLY overreacting. Did any of you actually read the news? One percent is practically nothing. I don't even understand why it's newsworthy.

What ghe heck kind of news were you watching anyways?

I don't eat bacon so, more for you guys. Enjoy your crisis.

What kind of monster would vote YDI?! Nobody deserves this, NOBODY!

Rachaelc23 8

Not entirely sure why bacon has that much impact on your life. Maybe find other pork products???