By 1010110100101101 - 19/06/2015 16:07 - United States - Fond Du Lac

Today, I had to take my daughter to the ER. Her brother had bet she couldn't go the whole day without talking. So to win the bet, she tried to super-glue her lips together so she couldn't accidentally say anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 884
You deserved it 3 001

1010110100101101 tells us more.

Hey guys op here and I want to say I'm surprised this got published. My daughter is only 8 and she is very competitive and will go at lengths end to win a bet. She did regret everything and it cost me $100 but at least she won $10 in the end.

Top comments

I hope no one dares her not to have sex until she gets married.

I guess in a way, your daughter had a clever idea...too bad it was one that landed her in the ER. Hope she's ok!


DA3Z 16

She will be fine. But hey, that's some innovation, I hope she won something awesome from the bet!

Angelrose2004 17

Have you ever tried to watch a child every second of every day they are awake? Did you get everything done that you needed to? Would you want to be the child who (if it were even possible) was constantly supervised 24/7? I'm not sure if that translates into mistrust or paranoia.

If you've never needed medical attention over a double dare, your child hood sucked!

Well, at least she's smart enough to know that tape wouldn't be strong enough to keep her quiet?

I fail to see why she had to go to the ER. Superglue is only dangerous if ingested, not applied topically. I've gotten superglue on my hands dozen of times, and it comes off in 30-60 minutes. Two hours tops. It simply doesn't work very well on skin. She could still breathe, and going a few hours without food and water isn't dangerous. Unless she was having difficulties breathing or an allergic reaction, why just not wait until it came off? Or at least wait a few hours to see if it got better?

Getting super glue on your hands is a little different then getting it on your lips. Lips are more sensitive.

Because 30-60 minutes of shrieking panicking child is 30-60 too many.

I expected this to end with "My daughter is 17. FML."