By Bullet - 13/08/2010 16:28 - United States

Today, I had to go along with my mom to meet some of her old friends from high school. When they asked her about how her life was going, she said she was married, always traveling, no kids, and introduced me as the neighbor's kid she babysits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 270
You deserved it 3 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would she bring a kid she babysits with her when she goes to meet her friends? She's terrible at lying. FYL.


Rectov 10

Be like "ok mom can I go call dad? He said he was gonna pick me up soon. Thank you for raising me for(age) years by the way. Love you!" And walk away

This would have been a great opportunity to show her up and mouth the words, "help me, I've been kidnapped" to her friends. :)