By Anonymous - 30/08/2012 18:33 - United States - Auburn

Today, I had to explain to my teacher that Czechoslovakia is no longer a country. She kicked me out of class when she found out I was right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 307
You deserved it 2 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's always gonna be a teacher like that, at least you proved that bitch wrong.

Does she still believe in an East and West Germany or one Korea as well?


Nuttyicecream 2

Serves you right OP. Teachers are sensitive to corrections.

SwtCherryPie 26

FYL OP. Ive been there though. Corrected my AP Biology teacher senior year and got kicked out of the classroom. I was amused.

This is the problem with the schools today they let muppets like this moron I assume with tenure teach our youth. If they would pay the teachers a bit more they woudl find better qualified people that are not look for a job with summers off. Good job on correcting this person

amandaaaxo 1

Hahaha what a c**t ... I hate those teachers they can all suck it .. I LOVE when they're wrong though .. It's too funny lolol hahaha

Haha reminds me of my friends language arts teacher with a REALLY strong asian accent lol

Thanks for fighting for us ;) ...again :D - Pilsen, Czech Republic

Oh, that sucks. Same thing happened to my brother when his teacher insisted that 9/11 occurred in 2003. :/ When he corrected her, he got detention for contradicting a teacher and being disrespectful. My parents went and talked to the principal, and the teacher got in shit for it. Hope your teacher gets what she deserves ;)

Yes that's the ones teaching our future leaders ! Gotta love that.. I'd fight it.

coolbrony12 3

Tell the principal. Or maybe even another teacher.