By Anonymous - 10/07/2012 16:06 - United States

Today, I had to drive the guy I've been seeing for the past few months to the emergency room. So that he could witness the birth of his newest child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 508
You deserved it 8 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've been seeing him for months & you didn't know he was going to be a father? You gotta ask more questions when you meet a guy!

"newest" child? Does that mean he has more than one? O.o


If you already knew he was married/in another relationship then YDI. If he lied about it when you met then FYL.

maybe hes not with the baby mama anymore. if he went to go witness the actual birth, did he at least invite u into the room as well?

hateevryone 14

Will you still be seeing him after this?

AzzieC 12

Ummmmmmm uly r u dating him grl u gotzself respect right!!!!!

So because he wanted to see the birth of his child its BAD? In my book a man who wants to witness the birth of his child is a man who wants to be in his child's life rather then just another deadbeat parent? YDI for thinking this is bad, and complaining about it.

DirtyJerzey8083 7

You deserve a FML if u are in a relationship with him and volunteered to drive him!

You probably shouldn't be dating a guy who has a baby on the way.. just saying. Take it from someone who literally just had a baby, and the father started dating some girl while I was pregnant. And I was pissed. There was also no way on earth I was letting that girl drive him or come with him to the hospital! Dump the guy, he has responsibilities