By fmexgirlfriend - 15/08/2009 05:30 - New Zealand

Today, I got dumped by my girlfriend of 4 years because I didn't know the exact amount of days that we'd been together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 488
You deserved it 6 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For some reason, I don't think that was the actual reason for why she dumped you. And if after four years, and that's her only reason, then... How did you guys manage to be together that long?

I wonder if this is the OP actually saying "I couldn't remember our anniversary" and has trivialised it by saying "exact number of days" :P


halflife3isreal 0

365 x 4 = 1460 days (approx.) you have been together.

dheinzen2 1

"(500) Days of Summer" is just a romantic comedy, not a documentary. This cause for termination is obviously a fake, she just didn't want to tell you "The Inconvenient Truth."

Maybe it was because you didn't know the difference between "amount" and "number." I'd have dumped you, too.

Women, eh? My fiancee gets annoyed because after 7 years together I can never remember her exact birthday at will.... I know it is the 11th May... or maybe the 13th. I cunningly proposed on the 4th July, so it would easy to remember..

harleyv91 4

i think that was just an excuse to break up with you because if she wanted you to know the exact amount of days she would have asked you that question a long time ago

Disagree. The actual number of days is not what she is interested in. It is a test of how involved he is. I know many women who would think "well, if he can't remember something like that he is not very interested in the relationship." I can't think of a single man would do the same, of course

freddie_fml 0

That's not why you were dumped. She's probably been looking for an excuse for a loooooooong time.

nail her best friend, because she's probably sleeping with yours.

Twinfools2431 0

Wat she wants u to keep track on how many days u guys were dateing if u ask me the girl sick in the head

laomaostu 0

I think it's just an excuse. something else is happening