By gross - 09/04/2015 16:00 - United States - Muskegon

Today, I got a bikini as a birthday present. I pulled the bikini bottom out of the box first, only to find a pubic hair stuck to the hygienic liner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 695
You deserved it 2 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So are you thinking your boyfriend tried it on first?

That's why I think you should always wash the clothes you buy before putting them on.. Just in case


That's why they're put there for in the first place, as a security worker I appreciate that. You don't even wanna know what nasty people try these things on.

Pretty much everyones comment is being down voted, like really no matter what you say people don't like it. What do you want people to respond???

1jordan1 11

so? that's the purpose of the liner, for when people try it on. something got on it so what? wash it if it's so horrible and mind blowing.

Wash it with hot water, and there's nothing to worry about hygiene-wise. If you still feel uncomfortable, you can always return it. On the other hand, ladies, wear your underwear if you try on bikinis or lingerie. Even though you can (and should) wash things after you buy them, it's a little unsettling to know something you put on has been rubbed against 100 strangers' cooches.

It's okay, just wear your birthday suit instead

I can absolutely one up you. I bought a pair of bottoms from Walmart without looking at them too hard or trying them on. It wasn't until I got home that I discovered that the last girl who tried them on had her period. All over them. Needless to say, they went straight in the trash and I don't buy any clothes from Walmart anymore.