By nosrepamai82 - 26/07/2009 04:28 - United States

Today, I found out that my husband made a replica of our family on The Sims 3. I also found out he killed me off a couple weeks ago and made a new wife, KiKi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 620
You deserved it 5 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HA! KiKi is MY nickname.... Make a Sim of him fat and ugly!

You'd better find out who the **** this Kiki is! lol


pondscum 0

That is a legitimate strategy.

Your husband plays Sims? Don't get me wrong, sims is AWESOME, but isn't he like middle aged? Middle aged people never have any time xD

Lol make your own and kill him off and replace him!

doglover100 28

Make your own sims and kill him off.

Screw around with his Sim family when he isn't looking. Have your own Sim steal Kiki from him. His Sim will spend all it's time depressed and bawling and will no longer be fun to play with.

It's a game! Lots of couples do that! Hopefully there isn't a real KiKi

Helmut Arias Rodriguez 21