By SingleSara. - 02/03/2010 06:07 - Canada

Today, I found out my sister has a new boyfriend. That would have been helpful to know 3 hours ago before I told her boyfriend, who is also my best friend, that I loved him. His response? "HAHAHA! Good one! Oh Seriously? Shit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 024
You deserved it 3 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DieInAHole 0

just checking, so OPs best friend is her sisters new boyfriend, also who she confessed her love to?

Not much of a "best friend" if he doesn't bother to tell you he's dating your sister....


Yeaaah...and this is why you never, EVER tell someone you love them romantically unless you've actually been dating for awhile.

Guys cannot just be 'best friends' with girls, unless they're extremely gay.

satanstoystore 0

tell your sis sharing is caring.

vermillionlove 0

this fml took a while for me to comprehend. but now that my brain is working: damn. sorry to hear that.

daaaaaamn that must have been quite awkward, not with the guy but with your sister, you have to see her every day.. this is deffinantly worth a FYL..

jennacide 0

I would be so sad, you should've confessed a bit sooner.

Now he can do you both, and your sister can be your sister-wife!

Aww....ToT well I hope it's not like your sister knew everything and started dating him intentionally. But you're not at fault since it's not like you knew TT_TT hope you feel better

That is just unfortunate. But your sister should have been honest with you. You should have also been honest with your sister. I know you didn't know but if you talked to her about your crushes (if she is trustworthy) then she might have been able to let you know "I kinda have been dating him." But I guess in this case you either fight for him or you get over it. Hopefully it won't work out. I only say this because you had him first. I would feel the same way if this happened. But its his choice in the end. You can't force him to love you like that. Perhaps, if you really love him, you will let him be happy with whomever he chooses. And it seems he chose your sister.