By poncho31 - 22/05/2010 08:08 - United States

Today, I drove 6 hours to make a job interview missing my best friends' wedding. The interview is actually tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 641
You deserved it 48 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kbobcat 0

i would not miss my best freinds wedding ever, i mean theres always jobs out there, but ur freind only gets married once( hopefully)

You're stupid for being willing to miss your best friend's wedding for an interview and for not confirming the dates. Also, even if they happened to be on the same day, you should have tried to reschedule the interview for such an important event.


candygrl5785 0

if she/he was really ur bestfriend then you wouldn't have missed the wedding for anything

OP said he/she drove 6 hours for the interview, so I'm guessing that it was a pretty important interview - perhaps for a career-altering job? - Or perhaps for any job after being unemployed for a while? If you had to choose between earning money, paying rent, etc, and your best friend's wedding, what would you choose?

See, there's the kicker: If the interview was that important, why couldn't they have at least gotten the date right?

I said YDI. Perhaps there's a reason OP is currently unemployed - he/she cannot be relied upon to be where they are supposed to be on the expected date.

ydi for bailing on a friend on the most important day of their life. you can always rescheduale an interview.

YDI why mis your best friends weddig for an interview 6 hours away ? and fyl for getting the dates wrong .

YDI How would you get the dates wrong? ..........

labacanitaz 0

So, you'd rather miss your best friends wedding, than rather explain to the person interviewing you that you need to reschedule it? I'm sure he/she would've understood considering that's your so called "best friend". You must not be such good friends since you'd rather miss the wedding. -___-YDDI (you definitely deserve it).

i would've chosen my best friends wedding over a job interview!! so ydi

AKBO47 0

**** the jobs. bro's b4 hoes or anything else for that matter

baby123344 3

who the hell would go for a job instead of your "BESTFRIEND'S" wedding!! your an idiot