By mizzleshizzle - 09/03/2010 18:42 - Canada

Today, I dropped my physics class because I thought I bombed the 50% second midterm test. I got my results an hour after dropping online. I finished with an 83. I can't get back into the course. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 293
You deserved it 64 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really need to check first before you do something like that. That's 101% your fault, Y completely DI.

How is this in the love category? Also YDI.


Actually schools still record you dropping a class after it's past a certain date ( and that date is way before midterms). Also, he obviously could have waited till he recieved the results... considering they were given the same day he dropped.

anti_average 5

Snicks is in college, but I agree that dropping a class is much better than failing it; however, OP probably wouldn't have passed anyway if he/she couldn't tell the difference between a "B" performance and a failing one.

anti_average 5

Eh, OP probably can't handle college anyway. It's normal for a student to feel anxious about a test, but usually after the test the student has a good grasps of well he/she did. If OP can't tell that he/she performed at an above average (B) rate then chances are he/she just guessed the entire time. Not only that, but crumbled under pressure! OP had better learn to cowboy/girl the hell up next time!

anti_average 5

Actually it is a solution to saving oneself from a failing grade. The point of being able to withdraw is so that class doesn't negatively affect your GPA, or that's what I'm told anyway. I've not dropped a class yet.

anti_average 5

Now that I can agree with! OP deserves this massive fail for being such an incompetent student as to not have a clue how well he/she did on his/her own test. Every student either leaves thinking they passed or failed based on how many questions they know they answered correctly. OP has no excuse!

anti_average 5

Retarted? Did you mean Retarded? The point here is that you shouldn't call someone else "retarted", and even more so if you can't spell the word "retarded".

YDI for not waiting to see your grade first.

I so agree #5. Why the hell would you drop the class if you didn't even get your grade yet? Apparently you're a retard. YDI.