By notcool - 15/12/2009 21:49 - United States

Today, I called my boyfriend upset because my best friend has begun stripping to pay for school. His response was, "Where and what time does she work?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 512
You deserved it 8 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He is concerned and wondering where he can find her... and find a show... and support her education.

xXmoses_rocksXx 0

That's messed up. Sorry to hear your boyfriend is a complete horndog. I hope your friend comes to her senses as well. Good luck


i'd do the same, Pure joke, just to make his Girlfriend worries, he'll never go there. =)

ix3candy 0

it was probably a joke, my boyfriend would say that too.

he is a guy, this is what we are like :P all of us, there are just some who hide it

hassenpfeffermmm 0

What did you expect him to say? He's a man.

I'm sure he was just making a joke to cheer you up.

thisissparta555 0

hahahaha that sucks...YDI because you told him that

You're just jealous you don't have what it takes.

Hey he is contributing to her college fund!