By mdg41 - 22/01/2015 17:55 - United States - Belvidere

Today, I called a suicide prevention hotline. The guy who picked up sounded drunk, told me to fuck off, and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 533
You deserved it 3 731

mdg41 tells us more.

mdg41 2

Hi I posted this. Thanks for all the support!! I was in a really bad place when I posted this but I've been talking to a professional and got on medication and I'm really improving. All your comments really helped too. I didn't call the wrong number, I called back and asked someone else for a supervisor and he said he'd look into it. Never heard anything back from him though. I just hope the asshole that told me to **** off didn't drive anybody else over the edge :

Top comments

I'm not going to even make a joke. OP, things might seem dark and grey now, but things will always get better. Trust me, I've been where you are at, and life gets brighter. Finding a support group that offers advice and genuinely cares is invaluable.

Oh wow. Maybe instead of working at a help hotline he should call one too. On a side note. Don't do it.


I suffer from depression and yes I have tried to commit suicide. But thing is, if I did I wouldn't get to help others who have trouble or watch my younger sister grow up and teach her not to make the same mistakes I did. It gets better I promise. Keep holding on and don't give up! Keep fighting!! Stay strong. ❤️

Try again, and what ever you do, don't do it. Things may seem horrible now but they will get better. I had a who will have killed himself a year ago in April. It was on April Fools day too.

miyaviichan 27

I think the FML here is that you're on the verge of suicide...

don't do it OP! Life is a precious gift and it will get better. Don't listen to that drunk prick. Live, my friend!

stay positive and read positive sayings :)

"At 17, I was a depressed teenager who self harmed and wondered about just how painful it could possibly be to end my life. Right now, I’m laying on the couch, and I can hear my husband reading our four year old a bedtime story using silly voices. Life gets better. Make sure you’re there to see it." -tumblr user deansurvived It gets better—I swear

Highly doudt this. I've work at a suicide provision hotline. The reason I'm calling you out is because all the people who work at suicide hotlines are volunteers and usually like doing this kind of stuff. So I highly doudt you got on the line with a drunk volunteer. Sorry but I don't belive this load of bull.

rabid_otaku 29

I'm so incredibly sorry that happened. I myself have attempted three times, and if the 911 operator on a fourth urge hadn't been kind, I'd probably be dead. I want you to listen to me. EVERY life is indispensable. And though it may not seem like it now, that includes yours. Think of all the little joys you bring to people each day. Surely there's SOMEONE worth living for. If not, do it for me, a stranger who is pleading desperately for you to feel needed in this world. If you want someone who isn't drunk to talk to, message me. It would make MY life seem important as well.

knmoyer 3

Don't give up, no matter how bad you feel. In the past year I attempted suicide three times, have been admitted to the psyche wards six times, and tried seven different anti-depressants. I was convinced that I was such a shitty person that I needed to die. The past two months I have felt great, like I once used to, and I look back on my past thoughts of suicide and cannot understand how I convinced myself that I wanted to die. Things will get better, you have to keep fighting and do all you can to get help. It is a bitch but don't let this illness take you. You deserve to live.