By Viciousvixen_21 - 02/04/2011 07:35 - United States

Today, I asked my 2 year old son to clean up his toys. When I bent down to give him a good job kiss afterwards, he punched me in the nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 665
You deserved it 12 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and let me guess, he got a time out instead of the ass beating he should've gotten.

awardZu 0

If a kid is old enough to throw a punch, they are old enough to get a spanking. It's not abuse (because some of you bleeding heart ******* will say it is, and YOU are what's wrong with kids these days), it's dicipline. You just have to draw the line between spanking & beating, and never cross it.


jetzy23 0

seems like the kid's the boss at your house.

outbackbyrd 7

That'll teach you to make him clean crap up! Atta way kiddo!

I think and spanking was in order. Time outs are weak. Heck, I've gotten spankings before I could even walk. I'm 16 and I approve of this form of discipline.

Slightlymadkid 2

You should never spank a kid. It doesn't work, it just hurts them. Seriously, IT DOESN'T WORK. My dad used to hit my hand with the remote when I did something bad, it just made me act out more, same thing with my siblings, and all the friends I've had who were spanked or smacked.

gators1995 30

How about a good job ass whooping?

TrackGirl19 29

Just explain to him that it's wrong and if he does it again, there will be consequences (whatever you decide those may be) He's really too young to know not to hit unless he's taught.