By Chouse - 07/09/2012 01:56 - Canada - Grande Prairie

Today, during my uncle's funeral, my four year old loudly asked, "Where's all the dead people?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 791
You deserved it 2 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Not here honey. Just wait for the zombie apocalypse"

You can't expect a four year old to know exactly what to say or do. My nephew has embarrassed me many times :/ Sorry about your loss OP


What do a drunk man and a kid have in common? A loose mouth lol

Awww children say the darnedest things :)

Lizza330 28

That's not do bad. They're little you can't really control what they do. At my grandma's funeral (or something like that it was at a church) a few years ago my cousins daughter who was 3 kept showing everyone her underwear.

Tell him to ask Haley Joel Osment where the dead people are.

SrakaSrakasta 20

Well YDI for bringing a 4-year-old to a funeral. Unless he was really close with your uncle, but I kinda doubt that.

thiscrazything 1

How would you know? It is not up to us to judge when a parent takes their child to a funeral. A sheltered child can turn into a scared, insecure adult. Better let them learn life's lessons as they come, with love and guidence.

Why do you doubt he was close to his uncle? In my family we're always together. Maybe it's because Mexicans are very family oriented. But you still never know. Also, kids should learn how to deal with stuff at a young age.

I totally agree with you! You cant assume when you dont know

Its ok OP your child is only 4, he/she wouldn't know any better!

I'm in total agreement with everyone that says you shouldn't take a 4 year old to a funeral. And if you do, don't be surprised by any embarrassing behavior they exhibit. Yes death is a part of life, but children that young usually don't understand that.

That's the point of teaching them. They just don't understand death at a young age because they were never exposed to it prior or the parent never fully explained it to the child. When are they going to learn about death? There's no set age that they hit when they truly "understand" death. Are you also going to say that children's movies should not contain death as well? My first introduction to death was actually by Disney :3 Lion King does teach you that death is part of the circle of life; death shouldn't be treated like some dirty little secret :)

thiscrazything 1

Bambi. What child didn't cry over that movie?

I didn't understand Bambi when I was little o.O I thought the mom ran away and lost Bambi... My mom had to explain it to me haha

I think a lot of people there might have been thinking, "Today I had to try not to laugh at a funeral. FML".

carminecris89 13

I think I've come up with the perfect thing for kids like yours. I just hope no one else has the patent on muzzles for children.

medichick 5
carminecris89 13

45 You're a dolt if you thought I was serious.

medichick 5

Again, just please don't. Serious or not. (dolt? Wow)

carminecris89 13

71 Really?! You tell me not to procreate which is far more insulting and dolt pisses you off? You are being a ****! I feel sorry for your kids.

bfsd42 20

Medichick, stop being a dolt and learn to get a joke. He obviously was joking about the muzzles and you were very insulting.

76, I don't think they were pissed off at being called a dolt, I think they were just surprised to hear it from anyone over the age of five. Seriously, why not just call her a poopyhead while you're at it?