By rholt - 14/01/2014 06:48 - United States - Baldwin City

Today, as I was taking out the trash, I spotted my cute neighbor doing the same. In a rush to get out before he went back inside, I slipped on my iced-over porch. I passed out and woke up with a note on my chest saying, "I unlocked your door but you were too heavy to drag inside". FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 464
You deserved it 8 085

Same thing different taste


Maybe you can strike up a conversation when you go over to slap him upside the head with a first aide manual and lend him some free weights?!

I'm so sorry OP, I would have been so embarrassed. At least he tried to help :)

Bhahahaha I'm sorry but that is hilarious XD

He obviously is not that hot. You should pin a note to his door saying "Do you even lift bro?"

Who the hell just leaves someone out in the cold?