By murrrrf - 21/07/2014 05:30 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, as I was on the couch taking a nap, it started violently shaking. I panicked and chased my family outside, convinced it was an earthquake. It was just the cat trapped inside the couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 099
You deserved it 7 855

murrrrf tells us more.

OP Captain is pushing 25 lbs. he's a big cat. And is very violent when he's scared. Also he likes to hide in odd places. So the recling couch is his favorite fort. The rest of you, I'm Not explaining shit. I

Top comments

ThatTennisKid14 13

How in the world did the cat get in the couch?


was it cat ...was it fat n strong enough to shake the whole couch up and down...

Yes. He's big enough The couch is pretty light and he's pretty fat.

TanzWolf 26

Well wouldn't you have noticed by the time you even got your family that nothing was shaking anymore? And what fat ass cat do you have that's so big that it can shake your whole couch with you on it enough that you think it's an earthquake? Damn.

Don't earthquakes come in fits and starts? I think I've heard that there can be a tremor, followed by calm, and then another tremor. Maybe OP thought another tremor was imminent.

I did by the time we got about behalf way down the driveway and nobody else was outside in a panic.

There can be aftershocks, but they can happen hours, days, or even weeks after the main quake and there can be several over a period of time. It's pretty useless to stand around waiting for one. They happen suddenly and are over suddenly-- it's not like a tornado or hurricane where there are warnings or predictions about where or when it can hit.

OP Captain is pushing 25 lbs. he's a big cat. And is very violent when he's scared. Also he likes to hide in odd places. So the recling couch is his favorite fort. The rest of you, I'm Not explaining shit. I

strawberrywine22 30

Why leave a follow-up then? Explaining kind of is the point of them.

iShanny 13

My 19lb cat mauled me for no reason. Cats can be fierce as hell when they want to be.

They certainly can, 91. My next door neighbours cat left a charming gash in my leg just a few days ago. I did nothing, it just ran up to me, decided to bite my feet a bit and them got her claws into an already existing wound and ripped it wide open. Such charming creatures they can be.

Exactly how stupid do you have to be to not realize that ONE THING IN YOUR GOD DAMN HOUSE is shaking.

Thank you for calling me stupid, I really appreciate that. But, I was dead asleep and it was an honest mistake, no need for you to be upset about it, you weren't chased outside, or forced to read my post. Have a lovely day.

No offense OP, but this follow up could have been a lot better. I'm even more confused now. Why can't you explain this? Why post it if you won't talk about it?

goblinqueen 1

I had a baby on my lap as I was typing. I just didn't have the patience. I have been through and replied to a few threads.

I've woken up to my 2 year old cat biting my cheek for no apparent reason. Cats do silly things, I also had a cat who liked our reclining chair.

Cause op is a fat bitch with no friends.

op is such a fail if a cat shaking is near the same level as the earth shaking, a cat is not as strong.

When the very thing you're sleeping on is shaking like my couch was, you'll understand.

I don't get why people think a person who was Just awoken has the capacity to tell what's happening

I don't think you know cats very well. Cats freak out over nothing and they can get freaky when they are freaked out

And the cat is thinking, "stupid humans, always messing with me. Watch this!"

your family will never let you forget this, I predict the couch being shaken around a lot more very soon

Yeah I thought there wasn't an earthquake in Missouri today…