By fuck you retail - 27/05/2013 20:18 - United States - San Francisco

Today, a girl at my tanning salon was ranting about how expensive it was and how she wished there was a cheaper way to get a tan. I joked, "Like from the sun?" She angrily called me a "sassy bitch", screamed to my boss about me, and then threatened to sue us when he kicked her out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 599
You deserved it 4 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Umm , if you dont have money to pay for a tan , Don't go and make a fool out of yourself. That's like going to victoria secret saying you can buy cheaper bras at Wal-Mart.

onorexveritas 23

it's okay OP, its her IQ on the line


That must have been a burning question for her.

Some people really need to CALM DOWN

BellaBelle_fml 23

But…how can I calm down when you are YELLING AT ME? :/

YDI because tanning is stupid and harmful. Pale is beautiful.

I love how everyone assumes that they deserve to get their asses pampered. No one can take a perfectly harmless, jackass comment anymore. Remember the days when people weren't whiny bitches about EVERYTHING!?? Me neither.

Well you and your boss did the right thing.,.you might have lost a commuter but that doesn't matter...

Well, that just goes to show you that people who tan themselves for way too long by either natural or unnatural means (or heaven help us all both) tend to bake away all of their brain cells. Let this be a warning for us all.

nothing92x 13

Does that even exist in modern times?

PrimeStarscream 30

I hope the fake bake also baked her ovaries. - you should check it out, OP.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Yes, but it's a rare gift.