By Rech - 12/05/2009 11:09 - United States

Today, a friend and I went to Gamestop to pick up a game he wanted. I ended up buying a 17+ game, and I was prepared to show my license, but he stopped me an said, "I know you're 18". He then said, "Man, I've pretty much watched you grow up in this store." A game salesman watched me grow up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 117
You deserved it 62 432

JRech tells us more.

JRech 0

OP here. It's a FML to me because, I'm not ashamed of being a gamer, I feel that it's just a pretty dorky situation. I totally was caught off guard when the site gave this entry the green light. I just thought it would be funny to share. A bit of background though, #155 is completely right, it's only been like 4 years.

Top comments

That's more of FHL. He's been working at a game store for all those years. Atleast you had an excuse, you liked playing video games. Not all kids are into going out and playing sports etc.

i don't gets whats bad about that... so the guy who works at the store knows you, it's a mark of a good salesperson


This isn't an FML, but that poor guy. :(

That so cool, why is that such a problem.

fcuk_fml 0

that is creepy and sad beyond anything. really.

Gosh, you must have spent an awful lot of time in there. Maybe get a hobby? :)

vampirecmb 0

haha this is an FML for you? my friends and I lived at the local Gamecrazy right on game stores we're like mallrats without the mall

Do any of you know what a manager at game stop makes? If you did, you wouldn't be saying FHL. You'd be jealous that you can't make as much as they can. Plus, chances are the OP is on first name basis with the person working there, so the OP is just being stupid. The company is a fun company to work for, and you get a lot of benefits from working there. Most people who work there, that's their 2nd job because they ENJOY it. They don't need the money. They want to be there. OP, this is probably the worst FML I've ever read.

Trix_Disorder 20

Okay, so how is this an FYL? FHL for still working there after all these years.

I would be flattered. We can trade lives if you don't have anything else to appreciate.

TTLYFCKD 0 obviously you haven't grown up yet if you find that to be an "fml".

jumpgurl23 0