By The Last Cockbender - 06/10/2012 17:09 - United Kingdom - London

Today, a co-worker gave me a couple of CDs he said he wanted me to listen to. I got excited, thinking that they were playlists he'd made for me. They were self-help tracks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 512
You deserved it 2 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it just me, or is that a quite disturbing username that OP has? :o

Well at least he cares about you enough to be concerned. Still, kind of a weird gift


I find that to be a wee bit rude. He should have given you a book instead of CDs.

So what's the problem? You don't have a CD player?

rebel_belle1974 5

Awww nothing says "I like you" like Dr Phil's "Yes you're ugly but you're still you! "

perdix 29

Hey, at least he sees potential in you. Listen to the tapes and heed their advice, and maybe he'll have you properly trained . . . to be his sex slave. It's not as fun as it sounds.

There's something I'm confused about.. Your co-worker said he'd give you CDs but he ended up giving you cassette tapes?

I've never heard a CD referred to as a tape before.

Why did he have them in the first place though?