By hulagirl1217 - 29/05/2010 12:11 - United States

Today, a bee landed on my leg. I didn't realize it was there until my friend yelled out, "Bee!" kicked me in the leg, and ran off. I fell to the ground screaming and clutching my leg. She missed the bee and it still stung me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 569
You deserved it 2 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The next time you see her, claim there's an imaginary bee on her leg and kick her shins.

Haha when you see bees you're not supposed to flip out, especially if they've landed on you. Remain calm or else you'll just piss them off and get stung!


ouch, i feel sorry for u! but it was kinda funny, hahaha

I would have been pissed at her for over reacting, and being a complete idiot by pushing me. Your friend is a bitch. Fyl :| Not even I freak out like that.

Why do people scream and act like idiots when a bee is around? A bee would never randomly come and sting you, unless you're stupid and try to harm it or get it off you. If you'd just stand still and ignore it, it would go away.

emilysexi3793 0

haha I think we have the same friends

D11Churchkill 8

Hey, your friend tried. You have to give her some credit for atleast trying to save you. Although, I think he/she should have gone about it in a different manner....still funny.

iloveTheMiz 0