Theater kid issues

By Belle - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Berwyn

Today, all of the long hours I've spent rehearsing paid off because tonight I'll be the lead at the opening show of my school musical. This is a dream come true. Too bad I just got bronchitis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 754
You deserved it 1 437

Top comments

Psycocharger 19

Really unfortunate OP. Hopefully you get better and have an even better opportunity soon!


_ravens_ 11

Hell week will do it to ya. Sorry op

OP was diagnosed with bronchitis so obviously they did. Also how is the doctor suppose to help OP's voice recover in time to sing tonight??

Like a doctor can instantly cure someone of bronchitis??

OP, I understand how you feel. I sing opera and I've gone five weeks without singing before. Warm lemon tea and salt gargle can help along with regular doctor recommendations/prescriptions. I hope you feel better!

Had something very similar happen to me. I was the only soprano in a big cabaret style show for the local theater. Multiple solos and spotlight parts. I got majorly bad bronchitis on top of having to move halfway across the country last minute. Couldn't sing for six months. Took another six months to retrain my voice. Good luck OP and feel better soon!

seriously1738 8

I got bronchitis! Ain't nobody got time for dat!

Get well soon, OP! Hopefully there's a next time :)

The same thing happened to me, but on my BarMitzvah