It's fine, I'll walk

By assholedad - 11/02/2015 21:00 - United States

Today, I asked my dad to please shave his awful beard, because I'm a laughing-stock at school for being picked up each day by a guy whose face looks like Bigfoot's ass. He agreed, and 10 minutes later was sporting a pedo-stache. It's going to be a long year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 359
You deserved it 11 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is your dad screwing with you? If so, your dad's awesome!


gregjohnson298 8

he has every right to have his facial hair how he likes it. if you don't like it don't get picked up by him.

Don't be such a bitch. He can look like whatever he wants and if you don't like it walk home or take the bus. Be grateful that he takes the time to pick you up. The kids at school are probably making fun of him and not you so who really cares.

CaroAurelia 12

Why's his facial hair a big deal? Honestly, if people are going to make fun of you for your dad's facial hair, that says more about them than it does about you.

You really should just be happy you have a dad around, one who loves you enough to pick you up from school. Not to be "that guy" but my dad passed 3 years ago - I was 22. You don't know how long you have him around so cherish it and stop caring what a bunch of fickle teens think.

You kinda deserve it for saying it looks like Bigfoot ' s ass. Be respectful of your father. I don't care if voted down.

He did exactly what you wanted. If you had said please go clean shaved but you didn't. Your fault lol

#whinyteenagerproblems I am picking up my kids dressed up as Wakko Warner

Apaprently my comment was moderated for calling OP whiny. The reason being "racial slurs". I didn't know whiners were a race.