Enjoy the silence

By Weter - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I fell flat on my ass while running for the subway. Made it on only to find out that it was standing by for ten minutes. I then got to ride all the way to work with a train full of people who watched me fall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 471
You deserved it 3 536

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What you think people think: "Hah, that person is such a loser." "What a klutz!" "How stupid can you be?" What people actually think: "Oh, crap, looks like they're in a real hurry." "Hah, that happens to the best of us." "Shit, I forgot my shopping list."

Grimm665 0

dude i did the exact same thing. except the train was on stand by for an unknown amount of time. as soon as me and my friend decided to leave and get another train, the first one pulled away.