Common issue

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after an argument with a coworker, I sent him, "Sorry about being such a jerk" in a reply to a mass email he'd sent. I accidentally hit 'Reply All'. I now have 32 "It's okay" messages in my inbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 038
You deserved it 32 727

Top comments

Notice OP didn't mention the 21 "Yeah, well **** you, shitbag!" replies she's has in her inbox. Very sneaky.

Well, look on the bright side - they all think better of you now, probably!


That's good! You just apologized to everyone whether you've been an actual jerk or a slight jerk. Now they think you are a nice jerk and trying to make up for it.

Sunsbeenkind 0

The thing is, everyone has those days, and few actually swallow their pride and own up to it, or even apologize. If nothing else this makes you look good, at least in my eyes...I mean people really appreciate it when you take the effort to apologize (shocking, I know) and they're probably gonna like you more because of it.

killaninjah 1

oh no now you've got to delete them!! The horror!!!

now we know how nice of a person you are