
By Extended_desktop - 11/09/2011 17:53 - Poland

Today, I got bored and decided to visit a porn site. I typed in the address and hit enter. A split second later, I realized I wasn't typing into the browser address bar, but in a chat window on my other screen. I'd been chatting with a girl I wanted to get with at the time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 566
You deserved it 65 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you wanted to get with the girl you were talking to, you should've been talking to her instead of going on a **** website. YDI my friend.


If you like her so much, you shouldn't be bored talking to her.

How do you not notice when you're typing that the address bar isn't changing...?

Quick save- say that you're older sibling typed it to be an asshole while you went to the bathroom.

I would have at least tried to play it cool: ->Pornhub.com ->My brother... I swear.. Had EIGHTEEN tabs open on my iPad. smh. ->At least have the courtesy to close it amiright?