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By royallymessedup - 19/08/2016 13:58

Today, I was told I'd need thousand-pound surgery to correct my spinal issue. Tomorrow, my medical insurance first takes effect. FML
I agree, your life sucks 356
You deserved it 36

Top comments

r83839 22

I don't see the problem here. Your surgery wasn't today, so you'll be able to use your insurance for your future surgery.

Most policies only cover issues that are diagnosed after they take affect. As it was the day before chances are they wont.


r83839 22

I don't see the problem here. Your surgery wasn't today, so you'll be able to use your insurance for your future surgery.

Most policies only cover issues that are diagnosed after they take affect. As it was the day before chances are they wont.

Why didn't you schedule your appointment for after the policy change? I'm sorry OP I hope everything works out

The policy change was probably unexpected, and rescheduling specialist appointments can push the appointment months or even years back depending on wait times. Which, if you are having health issues that can prove deadly or incapacitating, could be the difference between living or dying, or between becoming wheelchair bound or keeping your ability to walk. That said, OP might be able to get around it by getting a second opinion and having the issue rediagnosed. Doesn't work with all insurance companies and plans, but some will be willing to bend on the subject.