By I wasn't being clingy geez - 23/10/2016 17:18 - United States - Anchorage

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me for being "too clingy". I haven't seen her in over 3 weeks and texted her first once. Guess that's still too much for her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 286
You deserved it 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Clearly she wanted an excuse to dump you. At the same time, 3 weeks? Im not so sure she enjoyed your company to begin with. Good Luck, OP, you'll find someone better.

Nah that's just an excuse, forget that shelfish person man. I'm sure you'll find a better person


Obviously she was never that intoyou. I'm sorry for you, but move on. find someone better

Seems like she just needed an excuse. Sorry, bro. Hopefully, you'll find someone better soon.

MiraRose 19

It's an excuse, don't feel bad though OP, obviously she wasn't a very nice person anyway!

I hate to tell you this but I think she broke up with you because she doesn't like you. she just needed an excuse.