By futuregigolo - 22/12/2012 00:11 - United States - Strasburg

Today, I went to the local used books store to sell all my college textbooks. I spent several hundred dollars on them in total. I ended up walking out of the shop a pathetic $3.50 richer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 971
You deserved it 7 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Markg1994 0

You should have asked to clarify whether she said "$350" or "3.50".

This is why you always buy textbooks secondhand... I learned that the hard way.


jonsey974 3

Yea hate to tell you, that's called college. Just finished fall semester of my junior year. Spent $580.00 on the books. Got roughly 70 bucks back. Get used to it.

rachilio 26

What. The. Hell. Why would you take $3.50 for hundreds of dollars worth of textbooks?!!!? Moron

RKD 23

Sucks all around! I work for a college bookstore, most of that is the book company that supplies it, but we catch hell for it!

OP must have really been bound into some sort of deal with the store owner to sell for no paper.

elphi_fml 4

Welcome to college, my friend. But hey, that's enough to buy some Ramen Noodles!

You took the money mate, next time use Amazon or eBay.

SweetLuna 10

Dude you're in Colorado, we have book shops out here that buy back text books.

Life is going to be a hard bumpy ride for you