By jkass - 07/10/2011 15:07 - Australia

Today, I was pulled over by the police. The cop was my ex-boyfriend. He had no legitimate reason to pull me over, so he thoroughly checked my car. He gave me a defect notice and a fine. What for? A broken door lock, on my rear passenger door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 380
You deserved it 4 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Report his bacon ass! He shouldn't abuse his power

Jujubilee 1

Isn't that unlawful harassment? If you can prove you had a relationship and he's bitter, you should sue him and the city! Cha-ching!!! $$$


JinxosGirl87 0

At least he didn't pull you over to tase you just because he never got even for breaking up.

lakebitch01 0
SmittyJA24 26

I would file harassment charges and play his game that guy sounds like a real piece of work (D!c|{h3@d)

Broken door lock!!!! You could've killed someone!!

Fight it...plain and simple. He had no right to 1. pull you over or 2. search your vehicle. you could actually get him fired for it.

If they can think of a reason then they can pull you over, but if they pull you over for a random search or a test then you can refuse to let them do either

in Australia you can't refuse a random breath or drug test

SorrowFull 8

File a complaint stating that the rancid smell of doughnut icing made you ill. That you had to clean your car to get powdered sugar off of it due to the officer not having probable cause or a search warrant.