By flowerging - 11/04/2013 04:53 - United States - Stony Brook

Today, I offered to pay my boyfriend to buy me flowers. He still refused. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 489
You deserved it 16 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why on earth would you do that? You can't be that desperate honey, go get yourself a guy who treats you well.

Why in the world do you have to pay him to do that!


If he is a wise man, he would refuse and then surprise you

I love all of the "leave him" comments on this when the FML only refers to him buying her flowers. For all we know the boyfriend could be doing a lot of others things for OP like changing the oil in her car, backrubs, etc.. Cause it makes no mention of that.. Just that OP wants flowers. There are many little ways to show love rather than that.

Exactly! I never knew that just because you didn't buy your SO flowers, you deserved to be dumped. It's pathetic how materialistic a lot of these people seem....

Coccinelle_fml 15

You should buy them yourself and act like someone else sent them. Have a coworker fill out the card. Then dump your jerk of a bf.

Don't be obsessed with the flowers. And no wonder he refuses to do so when you offer to pay him for it, because that's for both of you a very sad thing to do.

I get my girlfriend flowers every pay day :)

Child, grow a backbone. I doubt this is his first blatant disregard of your feelings. Why continue? If you beg someone, and they still don't reciprocate, it's obvious they don't really care.

Maybe he's just not into flowers, or any romantic stuff at all.

alluringtatas 7

And how low is your self esteem?

I'm amazed at all the assumptions...just because he didn't get her flowers doesn't mean he's a horrible boyfriend. It's just like saying that you're a good boyfriend if you give gifts to your SO. I find it kind of pathetic that she was so desperate that she tried bribing. If he wants to do it, let him surprise you with them.