By hook me up with some smack, Jack - 01/08/2015 06:18 - Australia - Perth

Today, I, along with two cops and another paramedic, had to fight to pin down some total scumsucker. He was high out of his mind on god knows what, in his underwear, screaming like a maniac outside someone else's house at 2 in the morning. I don't get paid nearly enough for this shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 613
You deserved it 2 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody gets paid enough to deal with that

Well at least he's now in a place where he can't harm himself or others. Keep up the good work Op. :)


I used to be a bouncer. My favorite nights were when we had to deal with guys like that. Nothing sucks more than a boring job... Be grateful you don't have one, brother m/

Scubanaut 13

Someone knows how to party..

That really sounds terrible, but thank you for your work. I have a lot of respect for paramedics!

LiquidGoldRose 19

We have tasers in Aus but they are used a lot less freely. Even removing a taser or gun from its holster means a LOT of paperwork. Most of time, unless it's a serious circumstance, police use other ways to restrain the person as it's easier and less of a pain in the ass.

When they're that high, there's a good chance they'll just shake off a taser.

dagarr 11

my mom used to be a paramedic and knows the same hell

What do you have to do to be classified as a scum-sucker??

I would say being a drugged up dumbass.

LadyLuck93 20

Something I would see on the show 'Cops'

whatcha gonna do when they come for you.

aahowell 15

Exactly what I wanna read after I've already been accepted into my schools paramedic program...

I had that happen once. At least he wasn't dressed in female hello kitty pjs! That was scary!!