Stop! Stop!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was lying on the couch after having surgery on my stomach. My best friend and my mom thought that laughter would be the best medicine. Due to their medicine, I ripped out half my stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 592
You deserved it 2 663

Top comments

mshafty 0

talk about busting a gut with laughter :)


nolli024 0

This is the 3rd FML I've seen by this person... in the last day. :/

nolli024 0

Actually I think it's a glitch with my iPod. Ah, nevermind...

#38, I hope that was meant sarcastically, because otherwise it makes no sense whatsoever. They obviously knew he'd had surgery, because they were trying to make him feel better through laughter... OP, that sucks. FYL and feel better soon.

Wow... how dumb is your best friend and your mom? They should know from laughing that it does actually stretch and contract the skin around the stomach area, unless they've never laughed before... then something's obviously F*ed with them... FYL dude, FYL

b1a2n3a4n5a6s 0

Oh jeez, FYL OP. I had abdominal surgery last year on Halloween, and my friends decided to come over the next day to cheer me up since I couldn't go out partying with them. Their visit included the 'genius' of the group coming up from behind me as I hobbled into the kitchen to get a drink for my pain pills, and giving me a 'tickle attack' (I am super ticklish). She didn't stop till I'd busted three stitches and started crying from the pain. Your mom and friend are retards.

loki09 4

Those of you who say YDI, are idiots. You have also, apparently, never had a major operation. It is very easy to become depressed and lethargic. Hang in there OP, try to stay positive during recovery, it gets better.

Something about stitches makes me cringe. That and your small intestine falling out of your stomach.