This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By whatever - 06/03/2019 02:00

Today, like any other day, I am married to a narcissist who doesn't have a job and never makes any efforts as a father or a husband yet continuously has new and new expectations, requirements and remarks for the way I should behave around him and pouts like a schoolgirl when I fail to deliver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 998
You deserved it 480

Top comments

TxKitten79 10

Make a choice.... divorce, or accept the realizatuon that nothing will ever change and you will be miserable for the rest of your life (or the rest of his if he dies first). And realize all the regret you will have for the rest of your life for all these wasted years. It may seem harsh, but it's true. YOU HAVE A CHOICE. And yes, I've been there. I was a stay at home mom in a similar situation. And I chose to end it, go back to school, and better my life. My children are better off for it, and I'm happy. You can do it.

luna_soulslayer 13

This is when I say leave in the night with the kids and send him divorce papers


luna_soulslayer 13

This is when I say leave in the night with the kids and send him divorce papers

Alex Neiva 17

Divorce papers come in handy for these times

TxKitten79 10

Make a choice.... divorce, or accept the realizatuon that nothing will ever change and you will be miserable for the rest of your life (or the rest of his if he dies first). And realize all the regret you will have for the rest of your life for all these wasted years. It may seem harsh, but it's true. YOU HAVE A CHOICE. And yes, I've been there. I was a stay at home mom in a similar situation. And I chose to end it, go back to school, and better my life. My children are better off for it, and I'm happy. You can do it.

Either you like being treated this way or you don’t. If you don’t then leave

Gofuckyourself 24

Curious to know why you married him. There should have been signs from the get go. You sound like you would be a lot happier with someone who treated you much better.

there arent always signs from the get-go. Narcissists are very skilled in communication and know how to say and do exactly what a person wants in order to emotionally rope the person they are persuading in. As soon as they know they have that person emotionally invested, tied down, they relax themselves and get comfortable.

Well, you’d better meet his requirements and live up to his expectations or you might lose a keeper. Why can’t you do any better?

Sonotsuave 35

Two things. One, holy **** run on sentence. Two. It’s called diiii-vorceeeeee 🎶

Mungolikecandy 19

On the bright side you have recognized his negative behaviors. Now it is time to do something about them.