Not. Helping.

By It's-only15-lbs-extra - 14/12/2017 15:00

Today, because of my full-time job, full-time courses, studying for the GRE, anxiety disorder, insomnia, and a recent pet death, I'm on the verge of a breakdown. My mother texted, "Looking through old photos, you were so skinny, what happened?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 445
You deserved it 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is horrible and not needed. You need to be kind and good to yourself and love yourself. You have been through a lot. Find someone to talk to OP to help you through this. We can't do it alone. Even if it is a helpline or online chat like 7cups of tea.

PhantomCrevan 8

Pretty much everyone puts on weight in college or higher education. The stress makes you put on weight even if you may as well be living off air. But you could probably lose two hundred pounds near instantly by cutting off your shitty mother. Seriously, it sounds like she's projecting her own weight issues on to you instead of being an adult.


PhantomCrevan 8

Pretty much everyone puts on weight in college or higher education. The stress makes you put on weight even if you may as well be living off air. But you could probably lose two hundred pounds near instantly by cutting off your shitty mother. Seriously, it sounds like she's projecting her own weight issues on to you instead of being an adult.

I didn’t... in fact, I lost 15 pounds my first semester... Nyah Nyah!

That is horrible and not needed. You need to be kind and good to yourself and love yourself. You have been through a lot. Find someone to talk to OP to help you through this. We can't do it alone. Even if it is a helpline or online chat like 7cups of tea.

No doubt she's about to find out, am I right?

One word answer: “Life.” You can’t study too much for the GRE. Beyond getting familiar with the format of the test, you can’t learn to read and do math now — either you have it or you don’t.

Lobby_Bee 17

Try doing some exercises, it'll help you lose weight and takes some of the stresses off.

Wow. It really boggles my mind how as a parent, you can find the time to text your child something like that (could have just been speaking without thinking in a conversation, but a text is sent pretty deliberately), but at the same time have no idea what they're going through. I mean, what kind of answer does she expect? I doubt your mother is as skinny as she was in her teens, who is, but I'm really sorry she's no support for you when you obviously need it. Being skinny is not a goal in life, so cut yourself some slack and make sure to take care of yourself.

Yeah girl you gotta hit the gym and lay off those cheeseburgers

I’m so sorry your mother would say something so cruel to you, and I’m sorry for all of the other stresses in your life right now. Keep your head up and remember that all of your hard work will pay off!