U wot m8?

By _Asykes_ - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff

Today, I started a new school, after moving from England to New York. People only talked to me just to hear my accent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 086
You deserved it 2 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've experienced the same thing. It might be annoying at first OP but try to use it to your advantage to get to know people. You'll be thankful for your uniqueness down the road I promise!

At least people wanted to talk to you, plus do you know how many people find British accent sexy?


I've experienced the same thing. It might be annoying at first OP but try to use it to your advantage to get to know people. You'll be thankful for your uniqueness down the road I promise!

British people sound smart to most Americans - so as bad as that is just roll with it as you can't help it anyways. Find friends who value you for who you are!

One of my close friends is from England and we constantly tease each other about our accents. It's kinda what made us friends in the first place. We Americans can definitely be obnoxious when it comes to accents, but once people get used to it it'll definitely get better, OP.

i guess better then not talking to you at all. but still fyl. im sorry OP keep your head up itll get better and youll make friends who like you for you. i knownhow you feel about bejng a new kid

If I had a British accent, I'd never shut up but that's no excuse to say that

It gets quite annoying after a while, or you just get use to it..

schreibergx93 19

People with British accents grew up speaking that way, to say 'if I had a British accent I'd never shut up' is both ignorant and rude. Perhaps you have a Mexican accent, or no accent at all. Whatever the case your comment is atrocious.

Calm down 54. I'm British and that doesn't bother me at all.

@54 to some people america voices can be weird... But how we think that british is weird what makes you think other places dont think other ls accents are weird

At least people wanted to talk to you, plus do you know how many people find British accent sexy?

They won't like it so much when you start calling them 'tea-a-boos'. :)

I believe it's an British version of a weeaboo? So obnoxiously obsessed with Britain.

My husband found the term coined on Tumblr. Yes, #43, you are correct. My husband relates a bit to the term as a Londoner living in Canada. It defines a person who is: -obsessed with Britain as a whole -possibly Dr. Who obsessed -says 'if I had a British accent, I'd never stop talking' -drinks tea not because they like it, but because of the British stereotype (my husband didn't even start drinking tea so much because the only teas he ever found in shops were black teas and Earl Gray, which he says tastes like soap. He found flavoured teas here in Canada and has since become an avid tea drinker. Ironic, no?)

What type of accent that's the question, if it's not perfect Received Pronunciation I hope you're not rejected

Take it as an excuse to constantly say extra-British things that they'll never understand. And if you find someone who does understand you, bam, new friend made.

Yeah! Just make up new words and soon you'll have coined some new slang they can put in the dictionary :)

I'm an American and I was surprised that most Americans don't know the words "arse" and "twat" which I've always known the meaning of.

91hayek 31

Whatever happens a rubber and fanny are very different things there; things could get awkward.

Are you serious? You gt sent home for that? Or is it a joke?

Pretend that you have no idea what people are talking about if they mention the accent. Act as though they are the ones that are talking funny. Tell people you love their accents. If the irony goes over their head, they weren't worth talking to. If it gives them a laugh, they might be worth your time.