By Vkaz - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Tampa

Today, in the men's room, a guy using the adjacent toilet dropped his phone, and it fell right next to my foot. The screen was facing upward, and looked like he was taking pictures of his junk in the office toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 908
You deserved it 3 231

Top comments

Kick it back to him, it's the only decent thing to do

Or maybe he was using the front camera to look over the stall.


Kick it back to him, it's the only decent thing to do

Did he at least follow the Blue Mountain State guide lines for dick picks?

Plot twist: what if it wasn't dropped?

Further plot twist: what if it wasn't his junk?

Lol, it all depends on what the dude said after he dropped it.

Or maybe he was using the front camera to look over the stall.

Oh man that's nasty sorry you had to see that

RecklessLove 18

Actually, it didn't specify whether it was the camera or pictures.

I don't see why he couldn't wait till he was home, **** your life for having to see that

killerdana 19

That's a little ironic #53 considering you could have just down voted his comment and moved on. Your comment only works if all he said was fyl

At least know you know what he does when he gets bored at work ...

therealjc_fml 14

One of many reasons to not take a dump at work!

killerdana 19

But sometimes you can't hold it till your lunch break or when you get home

orbit 22

So why is this an fml? Maybe for the other guy out of embarrassment but why fyl?

Because OP will have those images burned into the back of his mind. And I'm sure that's not something he really wanted to see.