By NotaDTfan - 30/04/2017 02:00

Today, my elderly neighbor came crying to me about the horrible thing someone had done outside. I hurried out to find a big pile of dog shit with the head of Donald Trump stuck into it. I had to fake a coughing fit so she wouldn't realize I was laughing. I'm not sure I got away with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 941
You deserved it 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Druu 53

"These people who did this, very bad people. They do not understand the prestige associated with the Office of President. Very prestigious! These are not good people. Bad hombres. Rude!"

I'd have just laughed and taken any hits from her purse.


Druu 53

"These people who did this, very bad people. They do not understand the prestige associated with the Office of President. Very prestigious! These are not good people. Bad hombres. Rude!"

species4872 19

This comment is funnier then the FML.

But I'm sure some of them are good people.

I'd have just laughed and taken any hits from her purse.

America just got a little greater again.

I support Trump, but I still would have laughed at that. I just hope your neighbor understands you don't mean to be rude to her. (I said I supported Trump...prepare for the Comment Wars...)

awildwhisper 30

Yea I hope they don't start. People need more respect for their leaders. Instead of hoping they fail, how about hoping they succeed and help the country prosper.

Comment wars are for YouTube. On FML they're a surefire way to get the comments locked. I think (hope) we're all too adult to have that happen.

Actually in a democracy leaders are supposed to respectfully represent us, the people. NOT the other way round. As Roosevelt said it's our duty to strip them of power if they are shit!

Burle 17

Rabble rabble rabble rabble!

why? all the people screaming "we need to come together for the good of the country" SPENT THE LAST 8 YEARS blocking/trying to block EVERYTHING that Pres Obama tried to do. Now those same people in congress are actively removing everything that Obama actually accomplished. Respect IS A TWO WAY STREET.

No. Not in a true democracy. Leaders aren't unquestioningly given respect, they have to earn it. Donald Trump is a liar and a crook and his election was illegitimate. His success will make this country less prosperous. He respects no one and he deserves none himself.

How was it illegitimate? Don't try to come at me with that lame "Russian hackers" bullshit. Killary gave them 20% of the U.S.' uranium supply. They would've hacked it in HER favor if they bothered to hack it at all.

I guess that Trump took 'Bomb the shit out of them' to a whole new level.

Damn OP, you don't even flinch at the sight of a bloody decapitated head in your front yard?

I'm sure a pile of dog shit would make for a better president than Trump. I'm glad I'm not American, but tbh, the way the UK is going is no better. We're all ******.