By mrb72 - 03/02/2009 10:48 - United States

Today, I took my friend to the E.R. for an eye infection. While waiting, I proclaimed, "Why, Jesus?!" jokingly. Well, the gigantic biker sitting next to me, who had found religion in prison and is a born again Christian, was not pleased. He spent the next four hours trying to convert me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 558
You deserved it 19 248

Same thing different taste

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Today I was in the ER and this guy with a really gross eye infection say down next to me. I made up some stupid crap about how he should find God but he wouldn't take the hint and sit somewhere else, even after 4 hours. FML.

I think it is stupid when believers try and convert non-believers. Nothing against people who have fait and believe in religion I just find it completly disrespectful when someone trys to convert somone. its the same when a non believer trys to convince a believer its just disrespectful


president_benson 0

simple: get up, find another seat.

hellogoodbye1996 6

forbid some one might try to save your souls from burning in hell.

zakkyzebra 11

46, all I can say is: "**** you."

At least he only tried to convert you.

I encountered a Born Again on the bus today....WWIII is coming guys, and the only way to stop it...convert! ..orly?

Tell him to shut up and mind his own business. You don't have to listen to him proselytizing if you don't want to.

Today I was in the ER and this guy with a really gross eye infection say down next to me. I made up some stupid crap about how he should find God but he wouldn't take the hint and sit somewhere else, even after 4 hours. FML.

That's hilarious. sometimes it's nice to see from a different perspective

lmao. that's a good one. except in the FML it says op's friend had the eye infection not them

I think it is stupid when believers try and convert non-believers. Nothing against people who have fait and believe in religion I just find it completly disrespectful when someone trys to convert somone. its the same when a non believer trys to convince a believer its just disrespectful

Sad that a somewhat reasonable statement like this is thumbed down.

Well, technically they're only doing the right thing. It's in the Bible that you're supposed to try to save as many non believers as possible by witnessing to them, but I still think it's pretty disrespectful.

It's also in the bible that you should "have no mercy on helpless babies" there is a lot of stuff in there that people don't do. That should be one of them.

Then it's also disrespectful for non-religious people to rabidly insist that there is no god and that religious people are idiots, it goes both ways. The way I see it people should just stfu about their beliefs when no one asked.

it also says to love thy neighbor, this is regardless of tone of skin or belief, it's not a believers mission to convert people it's the idea that we should show love and respect to the people around us, not force our beliefs down their throats

r83839 22

Think of it this way: the Christian honestly cares about people enough to show them a better life and save them from hell. The atheist is trying to save the Christian from wasting their time. As someone who values friendly debate and the general pursuit of truth, I find it disheartening that attempting to change someone's mind is "taboo" now. Friendly back-and-forth sharpens our minds instead of pretending that everyone's views, no matter how ignorant, are equally valid.

inlimbo11 0

and you sat there and listened to him? stupid. deserved.

at least the biker wasnt like he used to be. it couldve been a lot worse. he couldve been non-religious, and you couldve said something that really offended him. then youd have a real reason to be at the hospital.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Why? Just being religious doesn't turn a hate-filled bastard in an angel-like figure of peace.

I thought it was a very sensible question. If it were me, and if he wasn't a big scary biker man, I would have asked whether Jesus could have bumped me up the queue if I converted. I've found that the best way to deal with attempted conversions is to debate with the converter over the higher points of their theocratic tendencies until they inadvertently admit to being hypocrites. Then again, I do have an awful lot of time on my hands. As to #12 and #16, half the point of attempting conversions is to strengthen your own religious beliefs. If someone is being obstinate or illogical, that is their true fault, not the fact that they are broaching matters that could determine the fate of a (existent or otherwise) soul. Also, the fact that you don't believe in the sanctity of Christ is probably just as much of an insult as saying 'Why, Jesus?'. Nice story. Thanks.

RazorbladeSmiles 0

Bah! Christians always try and convert others. {Atheist hypocrite)

true. I'm Christian but not out of will. I agree. science and evolution prove creation wrong

Indeed (worlds worst Christian who hates religion but doesn't mind the holidays)

Bah, all religions do it, including atheism