By Anonymous - 24/12/2015 18:06 - United States - Kennewick

Today, I told my friend I was considering adopting a dog. She looked at me like I was Satan and went on a rant about how dogs are "born evil" and will always maul someone given the chance. I still have the marks from when one of her psycho cats sliced open my arm last month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 823
You deserved it 1 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If treated right, dogs are the most loyal and loving creatures, don't listen to her.

The only bad dogs are the ones raised bad. I love dogs and currently own two. Don't listen to her OP, and if you want to adopt a dog, I highly suggest it. Happy adopting :)


All pets are able to be awful, but personally dogs are adorable teddy bears to me.

All pets CAN be wonderful. I love my dog and two cats but I've had various scratches from my cats and a fractured foot from my 90 pound dog jumping on me too many times. They're still the light of my life.

My dog was a very troubled puppy (English mastiff, so they're often bad puppies) however as a dog she is the gentlest dog I've ever met. At 200 pounds she doesn't bark unless we are playing with her toys with her, and even when we get deer in our yard (like the other dogs) she doesn't bark. Now she is only a year old and still a puppy so she doesn't know her own size and has made people fall, but she is super sweet compared to my cats. My brothers had 3 cats growing up, I've been scratched/bit by them all. dogs>cats

I'll be an advocate for cats. We adopted my cat and I wouldn't have chosen anything over him. He cuddles, plays, and can even fetch better than our dogs. I raised him well and he is a good cat. Just like with dogs, it depends on how they are raised. Teaching a cat not to scratch someone is like teaching a puppy that biting someone isn't okay. My cat has only scratched me when we were playing. Personally, I've had a much better relationship with my cat than my parents' dogs, who are spoiled and were not taught very well.

The cats were taught not to scratch #44, and it was only me they did it to. After talking to a vet they figured it was because since the cats had been around before me, and I was only a toddler they was jealous of all the attention I was getting. So even though they had been taught not to scratch they still did it.

54- the entire last part of your comment confused me. Anyway, cats are animals. Like dogs. You can teach a dog not to bite but they still may. Does that mean all dogs the terrible? Of course not. Dogs are great. Same thing with cats. I've been scratched by a neighbor's cat before. I don't think all cats are terrible.

I had a mastiff for 8 years. They never learn their size and continue to think they are chihuahuas.

If treated right, dogs are the most loyal and loving creatures, don't listen to her.

abbas07 20

true bit unfortunately being a muslim i cannot keep dogs in my apartment bit dogs are the most loyal no doubt

friedpwnadge 25

Only a sith deals in absolutes. Her power to tame fierce creatures is only proof of this. She is dangerous.

Remind her that animals take on the traits of their owners, if your awesome then any animal you adopt will be, if you suck then so will your animal

You have two options. Either get the dog and show her how sweet they can be, or still get the dog and use it as an excuse to keep crazy cat lady away from you when you don't want her around. Either way, don't let it discourage you, OP. Dogs are man's best friend for a reason.

The only bad dogs are the ones raised bad. I love dogs and currently own two. Don't listen to her OP, and if you want to adopt a dog, I highly suggest it. Happy adopting :)

Very true, there is no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners.

pffffft, born evil? dogs have the purest souls of all. I enjoy cats but cat people are insane. definitely don't listen to her, adding a dog to your life will bring you much happiness.

my dog purposely took a shit right between my legs while I was sleeping because I scolded her the day before when I stepped in her poop. I rolled right in it. dogs can be assholes too.

All pets can be assholes. But I will say, my cats are bigger assholes than my dog. And I've had the cats longer.

haha #23 that's a smart dog you have there. my dog could be dickish too when she felt like it but I think it's a small price to pay for the unconditional love dogs give you. much more than cats anyway.

I'm going to guess 23, that your dog is still a puppy? It doesn't excuse the behaviour but my dog did something like that to me when she was a puppy but she stopped after a while, and she was inbred, so it'll probably work out for you

The ancient Egyptians built great things. Then they started to worship cats. It didn't go well for them after that.

There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. I hope you pointed out how her cat scratched you. Get the dog and show her how sweet and goofy they are!

I hate when people say "dogs are mean" or "cats are mean" , it just depends on the animal and how its treated