By Anonymous - 05/03/2012 16:36 - United Kingdom

Today, a stuffed ferret was the latest addition to the list of weird items my colleagues have found in our rubbish tip, and that they put in my office. The list also includes explicit fetish porn playing cards, live ammo and dead pheasants, to name a few. I need a new job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 140
You deserved it 2 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you don't want those cards... I umm have a friend who would love them...


I'll take the fetish cards and the ammo

sandnsun 7
GottaCoconut 3

Dude, your coworkers sound amazing. I would love that job (sans dead pheasant)

Fetish **** playing cards!!!! Oh my goodness!!! I need some of those

I want to work there, you seen to be surprised everyday. :o