They're after us!

By Stevie - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my mom was convinced that the lawn gnomes we bought from Wal-Mart were secretly conspiring to kill us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 268
You deserved it 3 938

Top comments

saIty 17

Did you also know that your toys come alive when you're not inside the house?

You think she's crazy now... But just wait. You'll see.


Juicy0023 0

Yeah ur toys come alive to when nobody's home

They actually made by the government so they could spy on you

jerico616 14

The lawn gnomes REALLY are conspiring to kill us!

They are. Don't believe the others. They are totally trying to kill you.

I don't blame her. Those things creep me out.

LittleRRed 5

I thought i was the only one that thought that lol jkjkjkjkjk

I don't know why you would post this here. If this is true you should be getting your mom to a doctor, not posting here...

Madiluvsyuh98 2

So my mom isnt the only one...

They are just trying to steal your underwear