Stressed out

By Anonymous - 07/08/2023 06:00

Today, I was supposed to fly home for my dad's funeral, but the woman in the seat next to me was so obese, her bulging flesh left absolutely no way for me to sit in my seat. I complained to the stewardess, who then forced me to leave the plane just for raising my voice in frustration. FML
I agree, your life sucks 969
You deserved it 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you were probably yelling. I dont blame her for kicking you off

yes, I’m sure you “just” raised your voice in frustration. Don’t yell at flight attendants. grow up.


yes, I’m sure you “just” raised your voice in frustration. Don’t yell at flight attendants. grow up.

you were probably yelling. I dont blame her for kicking you off

Fat-shaming other passengers? I'll bet your dad was disgusted from the Great Beyond and was glad you didn't make the funeral.

Dude, no... Yes, fat-shaming is a disgusting behavior. But what you wish is even worst.

Stewardesses don't kick out passenger from a plane for just "raising" their voice. I guess you were in the angry phase of the mourning process, so I don't blame. I even sincerely pity you to not be able to assist to your dad's funeral. However, the stewardesses must frequently deal with rude yelling passengers, and have often no time enough for that, so I don't blame her neither. That's just a sad story for all people involved.

Legally if a passenger is to big to fit In one seat it's a safety issue and they have to pay for 2. I'm guessing the flight attendant was on edge and getting an already agitated OP off the plane was just easier.