
By Anna - 02/10/2012 17:37 - United States - Murfreesboro

Today, I got lost at Best Buy. Meanwhile, my mom freaked out, and they called out my name over the intercom. When I walked up to the desk and they saw I was 17, the employees burst out laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 046
You deserved it 4 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awh, that sucks! I have an over attached mom too! I hate that shit!

"No, I'm not going to call her cell phone, this will be much easier"


Don't feel bad, they weren't laughing about you, but about your mom.

ElishaisSexy2016 9

I still freak out when I lose my mom in the store too. I feel you lol

Over attached mom meet cell phone cell meet over attached mom

waynesmedley92 2

I would have just walked out of the store then

olpally 32

Your mom isn't too bright at being able to find you in a best buy... Jeez, how embarrassing... Oh mother, lol.

olpally 32
Zacky_V_01 4

YDI for getting lost at best buy.

She ever hear of a cellphone, there's plenty of them in best buy. Maybe she should that as a hint.

loserboii 11

Your mother is showing dominance by embarassing you, she's very clever.

missmon92 6

How do you get lost at Best Buy?

lexi365 20

Can you blame the employees though? I mean who wouldn't laugh at that situation?